You know that I keep a list of Lutheran shops, artists, crafters, etc. By all means check it out this Christmas shopping season. Today I’m adding an especially interesting entry, so I thought I’d give it a shout-out here: Luth Crate.
I’m guessing the name is a play-on-words with Loot Crate. 🙂
The premise of Luth Crate is that you subscribe for a month, quarter, or year, and they send you a box with at least 12 oz of coffee roasted by various Lutherans along with some other Lutheran merchandise. (Maybe I can get them to find stuff through my list!)
Neat! I wonder who these “various LCMS roasters and creators” may be . . . and how can I add them to my list?!
(I know. List-mania. I live it and live with it.)
So far I only have Coffee by Gillespie. I have, however, heard his coffee is truly excellent. I’ll add more as I get suggestions. (Remember to send me suggestions!)
My other something-of-a-Lutheran-sales-pitch is that I heard Pure Joy Creative has just added new items for the season, so by all means check that out, too.
You know, along with my list.
FYI: I am an Amazon Affiliate, and I may or may not have an affiliate-type relationship with Etsy (I don’t think so?), but I promote Lutherans and their stuff for community and niftiness-sake, not because I am in any way related or reimbursed by individual stores. It’s resource- and list-mania. Just sayin’.