Could you recommend any good books to me to highlight what happens to displaced matriarchs? I don’t mean actual royalty. I mean strong women who suddenly aren’t in the roles they’ve filled for years. Retired pastor wives can be a solid example!
Monthly Archives: November 2018
Awkward Uncles
Once upon a time, there were sitcoms: situational comedies. That was back before everything was offensive. You know, a few YEARS ago! Anyway, sitcoms could deal with awkward uncles.
My First Exorcism
I’m not a dark person, but I do think that Christians in particular should remember that darkness, evil, and the devil are very real. (I’ll let you in on a neat something I heard: never capitalize names for devil. He doesn’t deserve it.) So, today I’ll add another review to my growing list on that topic: My First Exorcism: What the Devil Taught a Lutheran Pastor about Counter-cultural Spirituality by Lutheran Rev. Dr. Harold Ristau, foreword by Lutheran Rev. Dr. John W. Kleinig.
Stephen Grant Sale
I don’t know how long the sale will last so I’m posting it now: there is a Stephen Grant sale, putting all of Ray Keating‘s Pastor Stephen Grant series’ Kindle books at $2.99 each.
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Vocation and Wellness
Today’s post is a review of Lutheran (medical) Dr. John D. Eckrich‘s
first book, Vocation and Wellness: Renew Your Energy for Christian Living. And, by first book, I mean first of three! Well done, Dr. Eckrich!
Filed under Reviews
I meant to write a review today, but I was working up two lengthy poems, typing and tweaking them into Word. Well, my computer ate my poems and now I’m super sad and disappointed! I’ll get back to you with that review—I actually have two reviews I hope to post this week. Sigh.
Sigh with me, folks.
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Grumpy Child
Imagine you’re a college student in a religion class. The teacher assigns you to talk to people in the street and really try to “git out there” and “dig deep!” They bus you into a downtownish area of a city, drop you off, and there you are. Feeling like a grumpy child yet?
On Closing Saluations
I’m a homeschooler by choice and not necessarily by philosophy, but homeschool publisher emails and such related stuff can be so funny. 🙂 They make me feel like I really should belong to the modern homeschooling movement! Here are a few snippets from “The Notgrass Team,” on closing salutations.
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Warehouse Moerbe Books
Happy Warehouse Sale Days! I’ve been scrolling through, as you do, and I’d like to point out my own books that are on sale.
How Can I Help? God’s Calling for Kids is on sale for $5! That’s 62% off and I think bulk discounts are in addition to sale pricing. Woo hoo! This was my first children’s book and it’s done pretty well, received well, etc. You can see more reviews on Amazon.
Whisper, Whisper: Learning about Church is $9.99. It’s a book to help young ones understand what is happening in church, while assisting parents in keeping those kids in the pew! 🙂 It’s a book that joins my love of children, church, and resources into one handy read aloud.
There are also three copies of Blessed: God’s Gift of Love available discounted to $5.20 as they are “Not-Quite-Perfect” items. That’s typically a bent page or something. I love me some not-quite-perfect savings. Otherwise, Blessed is $10 right now, bulk discounts available on all three copies and all three titles above. 🙂
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Realistic Optimist
Two great things for today! The CPH Warehouse Sale starts today! Woo hoo! Lutheran readers’ holiday! ALSO, I’d like to draw your attention to Ray Keating‘s most recent book, The Realistic Optimist TO DO List & Calendar 2019.
Filed under New Release