Hi. Now is probably not the time to sign up to take some free courses online. Or, is it? The way many of these work is you get a daily or weekly email with a video embedded or linked. You can actually DO them whenever you get around to it. So . . . it’s totally a gift to the world, humanity, and, in some of these awesome cases, the church!
So, if you’re looking to work your brain a bit, without spending money on it, look into free courses online. In particular, I’ve gotten emails from Hillsdale College (Lutheran? No. Respectable? Yes.) and from the 1517 Academy.
The 1517 Academy is Lutheran and currently offers “Philosophy in Christian Perspective,” taught by Dr. Mallinson (This is the one I started with. This way I can get a little more focus to my reading, and where better to philosophically start than with Plato’s Apology?).
There is also “Dr. Francisco Teaches Apologetics” and “Martin Luther’s Commentary on Galatians” instructed by Rod Rosenbladt (!), in two parts.
This is some good stuff, folks! Consider it, especially with the secular new year approaching.
(It’s also a reminder to pray for our fallen world, fallen thinking, and fallen education!)
This reminds me to look back into CPH’s Faith Courses! Let’s see . . . they currently offer free courses on Echo, Authentic Christianity, Reading Isaiah with Luther, Being Lutheran, Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? 12 False Christs, and Timeless Truth.
Coming soon: Revelation and Sexuality Mentality: Creating a Culture of Biblical Integrity.
Premium (paid) options are Galatians and Simon Peter—The Fiery Fisher of Men.
Awesome. Please comment with other courses you’d recommend . . . even if you’ve just heard about them. 🙂