My review of Worshiping with Angels and Archangels: An Introduction to the Divine Service by
Scot Kinnaman.
Worshiping with Angels and Archangels Review
There is a glorious set of three books, written by three Lutheran authors but unified through illustration by Arthur Kirchhoff with calligraphy by Edward Q. Luhmann. Coming out successively in 2006, 2009, and 2019, these can make a timeless addition to your family library.
First came this book, Worshiping with Angels and Archangels: An Introduction to the Divine Serviceby Rev. Scot Kinnaman, followed by Ordering Our Days in His Peace: An Introduction to the Christian Church Year by Rev. H. R. Curtis. Finally, the trilogy is completed by Behold the Lamb: An Introduction to the Signs and Symbols of the Church by Deaconess Pamela Nielsen. All of them are suitable for all ages, particularly as coffee table books, light references, and family instruction. (Self-readers can enjoy them once they are out of beginner books.)
Worshiping with Angels and Archangels is a detailed account of the Divine Service, Lutheran Service Book, Divine Setting 1. Explanations and vocabulary are explained in text as the service is expounded. It’s nicely put together and really, very helpful in explaining individual parts as well as the flow of the historic liturgy. As it teaches, some parts in use for 1,500 years!
I find this a very helpful book. Now, our family and congregation uses a different setting for the Divine Service. No worries, though, as the book is still very helpful. I’ll just use it with the kids a little later than the other two books. 🙂 Actually, I so far I have introduced them into our Lutheran homeschool in the opposite order of their publication dates, considering signs, church year, and then the divine service in detail.
Individually, each book is a gift to be treasured. Together, they’re a complete package. Seriously. Get them for your kids, your congregation, and coffee tables everywhere. I am thankful to God for them.
Now, I was raised in a faithful Lutheran family and congregation. No complaints. But somehow I missed that we were worshiping with angels until much later in life. I won’t let that happen with my children. 🙂 Especially with tools like this being produced in service to the church.