Have you heard about CPH’s newest children’s book? See My Savior’s Hands by William Weedon is bound to be great! Fantastic idea, encouraging children to literally think about Jesus’s hands!
I’ve previously mentioned the good reverend in this and that post. To see more great books by Will Weedon, see the top four listed here. 🙂
In other news, we are having plumbing woes. Oh, that all heartfelt plumbing could be plumbing the depths and the riches and the wisdom of God! Alas. God bless plumbers. He certainly blesses through them.
The stuff related to that made yesterday very much a day when all I wanted to do was finish my book! Sounds grand until I mention it’s just the book I’m reading at the moment! Ha! 🙂 Still, I’ll get back to my projects when I have a chance.
Happy reading & writing, folks! Wishing merry plumbing for you, too!