Do you know that the LCMS has something called the LCMS Foundation? Obviously, there’s a theological & Scriptural foundation. That’s not what I’m talking about. There is an actual investment corporation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod that exists to help congregations with long term investments!
I’m going to presume you know about the Lutheran Church Extension Fund—it’s a super clever idea and wonderful group that, basically, let’s you take loans or invest in CDs, emergency funds, etc., and then LCEF emplowers LCMS ministries with those invested dollars. Everyone wins. It’s great.
Then there’s the Lutheran Federal Credit Union. You’ve heard about this, right? Full service online banking that serves the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. I’ve heard they even expanded to connect with various types of insurance!
I thought that was pretty thoroughly financial coverage, and I hadn’t even realized that the LCMS Foundation existed! The LCMS Foundation, as far as I can tell, is the only missing financial piece. It handles long term investments, like when you make an endowment and then use its interest for the sake of ministry or when you need legal help getting charitable donations included in your will.
Now, it only offers some services to individuals, like gift planning (Look here for types.). I’m no expert on that sort of thing, but what has me excited are the congregational services, which sound great!
I’m surprised I didn’t know about this organization before. Apparently, “The Foundation was chartered as a companion to all LCMS ministries and congregations.” !!
The way I found out about them was rather roundabout. We’re in a smallish town parish, and my husband attended a Rural and Small Town Ministries conference, which included resources worth knowing about. Long story short, our congregation just had a lunch meeting with a congregational representative over a fried chicken dinner after church. Lots of lessons learned, questions answered, etc. A good time, cake to spare, and positive steps forward!
Yay for resources worth knowing about! (You know how I love resources!)
So, for today’s consideration under my random influence, I commend to you the LCMS Foundation, the “chartered trust and investment corporation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri”! 🙂