I was in the mood for a fast-paced novel, thought, “Hmm, a crime thriller sounds good,” and scrolled through my Kindle library. There it was: No Good Son by Lutheran author J. L. Vaughan. (I’ve most recently mentioned him with his project, Lutheran Audio Review. Go here for the website and here for the book.) It was totally what I wanted!
No Good Son Review
This was exactly the escape I was looking for. I enjoyed the set up, liked several of the characters, was thrown a few times, held in suspense, and then felt satisfied at the end.
It isn’t particularly a religious book, although there are a few mentions of God sprinkled through the book. Then, Christianity clearly enters it toward the end. Still, themes clearly included redemption, unconditional love, and struggle in a world that isn’t what it should be. Maybe even positive loss of control? Can that be a theme? 🙂
Big highlights include the car scenes! While I’m not a car person myself, I really enjoyed the details and pace of the car scenes! If you’re a car person, get this book! And, the local Seattle details!
Meanwhile, I don’t know if there is a literary term for the “good bad guy,” but I feel like this book handled the concept well, in both the main character and in how he viewed his brother. There was good development and some thoughtful considerations on just how people develop, too.
It was such a good, fast, energizing read for me that I just started another book by the same author and, as different as it is, I’m loving it! It goes to show the author’s versatility and skill.
Thanks for writing, J.L Vaughan!