Ladies and gentlemen, please wish me well for the week ahead! Like I said yesterday, I plan to take most of next week off from blogging to catch up on other things. Having said that, tune in Monday because I’m reviewing a most excellent book, Shadow among Sheaves, for its debut! Beautiful writing, captivating story. Anyway, for your reading pleasure today, I get to share with you a hymn text sent in to me as a guest post by Lutheran author Mary Antholz. It is a disaster hymn text applicable to the terribly flooding we remain so mindful of.
Help, Lord
By Mary Kuhlmann Antholz
Tune of Hyfrydol (aka Love Divine, All Loves Excelling)
God, our God, You made the universe,
Formed and filled it by Your Word.
Placed in orbit the twirling planets —
They rejoice to claim You as Lord.
Out of that primeval chaos
Birds, beasts – fashioned at Your command;
Trees and flowers, lakes and rivers,
All a gift from Your bounteous Hand!
In this world which You have given us,
Sin and death usurp a place.
Things decay, our bodies weary –
Lord, please save us by Your Grace!
In the midst of toil and tumult,
God of might, all our help comes from You.
Once again give us new courage,
From Your Word our faith renew.
Winds may bluster – storm clouds gather –
Lord God, we depend on You.
Fires rage or floods wreak havoc –
You, our Strength, are every true.
Wars surround us, foes assail us,
Satan slings his arrows strong.
We face trial and persecution –
You have power to right the wrong!
God, our God, You came among us,
Here You paid the maximum price.
That we might have sins forgiven,
You became Supreme Sacrifice.
Dying, rising again triumphant,
Conquering sin and death and grave,
“It is finished!” – “He is risen!”
You have proven Your power to save.
God, You made us – God, You saved us –
God, You gave us faith in You.
Teach us ever to trust and serve You
Whether skies be cloudy or blue.
Give us courage to help our neighbors,
Let them see You in all that we do –
By our words and by our actions,
Use our lives to point souls to You!
Thank you, Mary! And, let us all remember to keep those affected by natural disasters in our prayers this weekend!