I’ve been back in the throes of writing poetry, so you’ll pardon me if I keep things a bit short and extra even-keeled over here. 🙂 Back in February, I posted a piece on church worker wellness resources. Well, I hadn’t gotten to say that there was an LCMS project to provide online devotions for church workers on areas of vocational, relational, financial, and emotional wellness.
Here’s the article that announced the debut. Or, go here to see what is already available devotion-wise and catch up.
Folks, these aren’t really just for church workers. Or, to put it another way, while a full time, professional call is, ya know, substantial, I think that many Christians work in service to their congregation or the church at large. Right? So these devotions might be just what you need to hear when you need to hear them. At least, that’s presumably the goal. 🙂
It just so happens that, um, well, I haven’t entirely been up to date and I missed one of my own! Ha! It was during my two-week hiatus!
So, back from the past, here is a devotion I wrote on Good News. It may not be specific to Maundy Thursday, blessed day that it is, but the quick read just might encourage you or a loved one with the Good News of Christ.
Blessed Holy Week, friends!