I don’t know about you, but this church worker family is still laying pretty low. Sure, we’re back to t-ball and softball, classes, etc., but half the kids want to sleep all day and I daresay the adults would do some dozing, too, if they could. So today’s post is a bit on today’s soup day.
Recipes with tons and tons of pictures? Scrolling for an hour before actually getting to that recipe? No. No, thanks. I may read ’em, but I don’t write ’em.
However, wanting a break from Easter Sunday leftovers, and waking up to droning, drizzling rain, made me remember something. It was always in April that some past teacher would read us all Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months.
Its author, Maurice Sendak, most famous for Where the Wild Things Are, was not a Lutheran, nor even a Christian. The point of this post may actually be dumber than calling attention to a cool children’s book. 🙂
You see, I have a terrible memory. I mean, I get through my days fine for the most part, but I’ve been to Paris. Maybe even twice. Can I remember whether I went to Notre Dame? Nope. Not even a hint or a trickle of memory.
I really regret my memory. Yet then, suddenly, there’ll be a rainy April morning and I’ll be right back to Chicken Soup with Rice.
Dear Lord, forgive me for making such an outlandish point. But, folks? Write so you can remember. Keep a diary, notes, whatever. And, also remember what a great benefit books are in remembering both story, phrases, concepts, etc!
I may not always remember the way I wish, but I can go back and reread my book.
(You know what? I do. Sometimes I have to go back and reread what I’ve written. And, that’s great! Sometimes I’ll bring more nuance or depth. Other times I see it with entirely new eyes, asking, “Did I really write that?!”)
Books are great. So, um, why don’t you go out there and write a few. 🙂 You know, for as long as you’re living or so. 😀 Because it isn’t just about a soup day or soup months, it’s about really living your days and your months and your opportunities. Good, good stuff from our Lord.