If you follow my author page on Facebook, you can see that I’m working on some new things for my website, including a store. I’ll try to have the kinks worked out and blog about it sometime this week. Meanwhile, I’d like to pause and remember Rev. Herman Otten, who joined the Church Triumphant this past week.
Many things could be said. Many things can remain unspoken.
I’m not sure why I keep being hit with disbelief about it. I only met him once. Still, I find myself thinking about him multiple times a day. Truly, this is the ending of an age. An epoch.
I think of the things I’ve lived through and seen. Some have been pretty drastic in my mind: fights worth fighting again and again. More are already upon us. But when I try to imagine the fight for the Bible, it hurts me almost to the point of indignant tears.
Join me. Pause and remember the things Rev. Otten lived through. Pause and remember that our days are shaped by God working through innumerable men and women in ways we cannot fathom.
I hadn’t thought about Rev. Otten as specifically a writer until my husband asked how I could connect this topic to a blog for writers. Well, first, this is my blog and I’ll post if I want to. 😉 Second, it is staggering to think how many articles and issues, let alone sermons, Bible stories, and more that the man produced!
For many, many, many years, he was the dominant face of Lutheran independent publishing! He also cared deeply about the Beck Bible, as well as reading material in general. Right? A force to be reckoned with, indeed, and a man unlike any other.
Thank You, Lord, for granting him rest from his labors and joy in Your Son.
I give thanks to God that some of our darker days in the LCMS are behind us. Let us be diligent in the quest to keep and/or restore God’s Word and His means of grace as central to it. May that honor both our Lord and the faithful who came before us.
Meanwhile, another pretty prominent figure also died this past week! Aaron Wolf, the executive editor for Chronicles Magazine and a frequent guest on Issues Etc!
Again, what can we do but pause and remember these Lutheran writers?!
Lord, keep Your Lutheran writers steadfast in these changing times, clinging to Christ and serving one another.
Aaron Wolf is survived by a wife and six children. You can find a Go Fund Me campaign for them here.
Thank You, Lord, for your mercy. You have won. We rest in Your care. In Jesus’ name, amen.