Sometimes a person gets a great idea before they’re done with their previous great idea. Right? To summarize my muddled state of mind, that’s what’s happened to me.
Actually, I sort of had a great idea, had a great idea, had a great idea, and then realized that . . . there wasn’t really anyone else but me to do something about them.
What I want to do? Write. But I’m not getting much writing time.
I’m developing two websites, at least one of which I know I’ve alluded to here before.
I don’t want this to affect my blogging for writers. I want to write, and I want to encourage you guys to write.
I’ll do my best to do my best, offer you encouraging stuff to think or write about, and try to survive a kind of crazy summer. But the good news is that I hope that both projects can essentially get set up by mid-summer, so I can get back to great writing ideas rather than great serving ideas.
I also have big plans that can positively affect what you and I do together: modern Lutheran writing. Woo hoo! It’s just on ice, waiting to be defrosted later.
Meanwhile, if I were a dog, people’d want to put me down. Boy, I am sick and just not beating this thing.
Wish me well, folks. I’ll keep you posted but not too posted. 🙂