Another day sick! I don’t know how much longer I can take this! Anyway, today I’ll tell you about one of the projects I’m involved with: Lutheran Homeschool / Lutheran Homeschool Marketplace & Press.
I love the premise: an easy google search for Lutheran homeschoolers that results in actual Lutheran content, suggestions, free Lutheran resources, and even a chance to buy and sell like many teachers and homeschoolers do at
You know me. I’m sold on spreading word about free resources, and now that this Lutheran Homeschool exists, instead of sharing everything here, I can be sure Lutheran educational stuff gets shared there! Yay!
You’ve been patient with me and my dual loves of writing and resources. But at least this can maybe temper my enthusiasm so I don’t overshare about homeschooling here. I do try to keep this as more than a vanity blog!
Anyway, the Marketplace & Press is not up and running, but the website is ready for people once they have stuff prepared. So, writers? Wanna write stuff for Lutheran homeschoolers and educators?
There’s even a “Requested Lutheran Resource Page,” with ideas for where to start.
Meanwhile, let your homeschooling friends know about it. Folks from around the world? I figure this can help you, too, since everything will consist of links or downloads.
Other ideas or suggestions? Hit me with them. Reply through a comment, form, or Facebook message.