I seem to vacillate between visions of grandeur and chaos. And I just may turn to pre-planning in the hopes of chaos getting a little better, a little smooth, maybe even more full in some way. I don’t know. Maybe I’m crazy. 🙂 Or just a homeschooler. Either way, could you look over my CPH Summer Reading Challenge Recommendations? It’s based off what I’ve assigned my kiddos, but then I added upper ages just for the fun & forethought of it.
Let me know what you think of my recommendations by age: specifically whether my recommendations for older ages are crazy. Let’s face it. My oldest may be a mature super reader, but she is only 10. 🙂 Thanks!
Summer Reading Challenge
The CPH Reading Challenge encourages a minimum of 1,000 points in order to enter for a prize. CPH books are typically 100 points each, with other books scoring 50. I aim for each list to have a minimum of 1,000 points total.
- How Can I Help: God’s Calling for Kids by Mary Moerbe (also available as a mini-book), 100 pt
- Whisper, Whisper: Learning about Church by Mary Moerbe, 100pt
- Our Faith from A to Z by Ruth Meyer, 100 pt
- My Little ABC Liturgy Book by Gaven Mize, 50 pt
- God’s Own Child, I Gladly Say It, by Erdmann Neumeister, 50 pt
- I am Jesus’ Little Lamb by Henriette L. von Hayn, 50 pt
- Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word by Martin Luther, 50 pt
- We All Believe in One True God by Tobias Clausnitzer, 50pt
- A Mighty Fortress is Our God by Martin Luther, 50 pt
- Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart by Martin Schalling, 50 pt
- God Loves Me Dearly by August Rische, 50 pt
- God Loves Me Such that He Would Give by Gaven Mize, 50pt
- Bless This Mess by Lori Ehlke, 50pt
- Prayer: Learning How to Talk to God by Jeanette Groth, 100pt
- God Made It For You! The Story of Creation by Charles Lehmann, 100 pt
Early Reader Non-Chapter Books
- The Forgiveness Journal by Alison Andreasen, 50pt
- Our Faith from A to Z by Ruth Meyer, 100 pt (All text)
- Parables of Jesus (Arch Collection), 100pt
- Best-Loved Miracles of Jesus (Arch Collection), 100pt
- The Real Story of the Creation by Paul Maier, 100pt
- The Real Story of the Flood by Paul Maier, 100pt
- The Real Story of the Exodus by Paul Maier, 100pt
- The Very First Christmas by Paul Maier, 100pt
- The Very First Easter by Paul Maier, 100pt
- The Very First Christians by Paul Maier, 100pt
- Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed the World by Paul Maier, 100pt
Early Chapter Books
A Child’s Garden of Bible Stories, 100pt
The Time of the Church series, books 50 pts ea
Hero of Faith series, 100pt ea:
- Rosa Young
- Katharina Von Bora
- CFW Walther
- Martin Luther
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Dr. Bessie Rehwinkel
- Heinrich Melchior Muhlenberg
- Dorothea Craemer
Upper Elementary through Middle School
- Ordering our Days in His Peace by H.R. Curtis, 100pt
- Worship with Angels and Archangels: An Introduction to the Divine Service by Scot Kinnaman, 100pt
- Behold the Lamb: An Introduction to the Signs and Symbols of the Church by Pam Nielsen, 100pt
- Timeless Bible Truths: The Illustrated Small Catechism, 100pt
- Luther: Echoes of the Hammer, Graphic Novel by Susan Leigh, 100pt
- Katie Luther: Mother of the Reformation, Graphic Novel by Susan Leigh, 100pt
- Katharine von Bora: The Morning Star of Wittenberg by Jenna & Shanna Strackbein, 50pt
- Icky, Sticky, Hairy Scary Bible Stories by Jonathan Schkade, 100pt
- Lutheranism 101 for Kids by Scott and Julie Stiegemeyer, 100pt
- Exploring God’s Word with Maps (This is an activity book that helps with geography and biblical chronology, but it’s a good length for a summer read), 100pt
- March of Faith by Inez Steen (Long out of print, Augsburg 1939), 50pt
Middle Schoolish through Junior High
- Not-So-Nice Bible Stories: Master Criminals by Jonathan Schkade, 100pt
- Not-So-Nice Bible Stories: Gory Deaths by Jonathan Schkade, 100pt
- The Messenger Series by Lisa Clark, 100pts ea:
- Discovered
- Concealed
- Revealed
- A Simple Way to Pray by Martin Luther, 100pts
- Praying Luther’s Small Catechism by John Pless, 100pts
- Luther’s Large Catechism, 100pt
- Devotions on the Small Catechism, 100pt
- Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand, 50pt
- God at Work by Gene Veith, 50pt
High School
- Spirituality of the Cross by Gene Veith, 100pt
- Family Vocation: God’s Calling in Marriage, Parenting, and Childhood by Gene Veith and Mary Moerbe, 50pt
- The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, 50pt
- Will the Real Jesus Please Stand up? 12 False Christs by Matthew Richard, 100pt
- Five Things You can Do to Live a Jesus Centered Life or others in that series, 100pt ea.
- A Little Book on Joy by Matthew Harrison, 100pt
- Romans: A Devotional Commentary by Bo Giertz, 100pt
- Hammer of God by Bo Giertz, 100pt
- Handling the Word of Truth by John Pless, 100pt
- The Defense Never Rests: A Lawyer’s Quest for the Gospel by Craig Parton, 100pt
- Religion on Trial by Craig Parton, 100pt