If you’re Facebook friends with me, you know I’ve been expanding my Freelance Writer Support page with more Lutheran proofreaders, web support, etc. But since I haven’t actually mentioned that here, that’s what this is. 🙂
Check it out. Am I missing categories? Lutherans you know who serve in these fields?
I’m also curious about whether there are folks who have self-published, through Amazon for instance, who’d be willing to walk through those steps for another author and a fee. Am I dreaming? Maybe. I won’t know til you’ve told me!
Also, could you let me know if you have an opinion on this? Since I made LutheranHomeschool.com, should I just take down the Lutheran Education Resources page so I can update in one place only? Or maybe link directly to the new site? (I’m not sure if that’d be weird, suddenly transferred without warning.)
I’m actually in and out of the house these days so I may not have updated with all the names suggested via Facebook. I’ll do my best to get to it! But sometimes vacation & staycation days dictate letting the website simmer on a back burner. Who can blame me?
Anyway, let me know. Or don’t. Vacate. Staycate. Inhabitate. Happy mid to end of July-ing.