The accidental Lutheran. How’s that for a title? THAT’S A GREAT TITLE! And I’m so excited that there is now a book to go along with it! The Accidental Lutheran is a new release by now-Lutheran Dr. Nancy Almodovar.
A #1 release in Amazon’s “Lutheran Christianity” category, this books delves into how “a Dutch Reformed gal” found—and rejoice in—Lutheranism. The subtitle is “The Journey from Heidelberg to Wittenberg.” Again, what a great description!
Do you have Reformed family or friends? Are you interested in how to bridge some of the theological gaps with those you know and love? Or those who you would simply love to hear the Gospel, including the Gospel of the Sacraments and universal atonement? This could be a great place to start.
For that matter, this kind of content could make for a cathartic read for a great many of us, don’t you think?
Anyway, I expect to hear far more from this Lutheran author and I hope you will, too. 🙂
Go here to read more, both about the book and to wander about her website. It looks like a very interesting place!
I’ll also add Nancy Almodovar to my living Lutheran author page. Meanwhile, I wonder where I can spread news about a Lutheran author who is into apologetics . . . 🙂 Yay!