I’m pleased to report that my congregation just ordered a brand new outdoor nativity set. 🙂
Monthly Archives: October 2019
A few things
My friends, I offer you several things this Monday morning. First, for the ladies, if you’re on Facebook, you may be interested to learn that The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge Fb group may be starting a book club! Awesome! Second, for everyone, I thought Edward Riojas had a super excellent post this past week, “For All Saints Day and the Anniversary of the Reformation. Read it & share the encouragement. THIRD, Lutheran author Rachel Kovaciny has a new free short story up: Gruff.
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Spread Too Thin?
When one becomes accustomed to being spread too thin, how does one regain a proper sense of . . . whatever it even is to not be spread thin? Saturation? Ratio of opportunity to needs?
Filed under Writer's Life
Woo hoo!
Yesterday I got two projects to what I’ll call a satisfied draft form. Is it finished? Maybe not just yet. But the content, structure, basics, and even details are there. Might I still putter? Maybe, but mostly not. God-willing only very minor changes remain.
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Yes! A productive day! Whew. I worked harder than usual, to be honest.
Ok. Here’s my question: am I the only one who, every year, thinks, “If I just had one more month to catch up before November, I’d do NaNoWriMo!” Ha ha haaaa
Anyway, start thinking about it if you’re more on top of things than I am. 🙂
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Back in the Saddle
It sure feels good to be back in the saddle, working to get some projects finished! It cuts into blog-time, but I’m pretty sure we’re all ok with that.
One project I’m working on is a rather extensive pastoral planner/calendar for my husband. I don’t know whether that will become available for general clerical consumption, but I’m trying to keep that option open. 🙂
Formatting is eating up a lot of my time. Thankfully I’m at least learning a lot about it in the mean time. (And I do mean mean time!)
I’m also trying to stir various pots, seeing which ones are ready for the next step. Also pondering various bits & pieces until my brain itself seems ready to boil over. lol
Wishing you well! I’ve heard of various projects going on, including a workshop of sorts for kids on the topic of the Trinity! LOVE IT! Alas, I just don’t have time to write a longer post. But just maybe I’ll get to writing up my reflections on the expression “spread too thin,” two reviews I’ve been meaning to write for ages, and a few announcements I’ll share if I can find/remember them gradually over this next week.
Yep. That’s my life right now. 🙂 Wishing you God’s blessings on yours!
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Free Children’s Christmas Services
I know. It’s early. But for those of us who will be planning children’s Christmas services or programs, this post is for us.
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My husband has had an idea

Photo by Brian C from FreeImages
I interrupt my supposed break because my husband has had an idea. And I think he’s serious, although I initially took it as a joke. He even specifically asked me to blog it. Are you ready? No. You’re not ready. Seamstresses, this one is for you.
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Ecclesial Poetry Release
Ladies & gentlemen, I’m thrilled to announce that my latest book, Ecclesial Poetry, is now available!
Filed under Hymns, My projects, New Release, Poetry
International Trade
International trade: it’s a hot topic. Frankly, it should probably be an ever hotter topic! And, you guessed it, a Lutheran author has recently released a book on the matter. 🙂 Free Trade Rocks! 10 Points on International Trade Everyone Should Know is by Ray Keating, whom you likely know from his Stephen Grant series of novels.
Filed under New Release