It sure feels good to be back in the saddle, working to get some projects finished! It cuts into blog-time, but I’m pretty sure we’re all ok with that.
One project I’m working on is a rather extensive pastoral planner/calendar for my husband. I don’t know whether that will become available for general clerical consumption, but I’m trying to keep that option open. 🙂
Formatting is eating up a lot of my time. Thankfully I’m at least learning a lot about it in the mean time. (And I do mean mean time!)
I’m also trying to stir various pots, seeing which ones are ready for the next step. Also pondering various bits & pieces until my brain itself seems ready to boil over. lol
Wishing you well! I’ve heard of various projects going on, including a workshop of sorts for kids on the topic of the Trinity! LOVE IT! Alas, I just don’t have time to write a longer post. But just maybe I’ll get to writing up my reflections on the expression “spread too thin,” two reviews I’ve been meaning to write for ages, and a few announcements I’ll share if I can find/remember them gradually over this next week.
Yep. That’s my life right now. 🙂 Wishing you God’s blessings on yours!