Time to list some of the 2020 Advent Resources. 🙂 You’ll forgive me if I’m prone to listing the freebies on the Internet, won’t you?
The Brothers of John the Steadfast, and Steadfast in the Parish, offer Cause for Great Joy: Hearing the Gospel of Christ in the Advent and Christmas Hymns of Paul Gerhardt, written by Pastors Marcus Baikie and Joshua Scheer, both of whom were classmates with Ned and me! 🙂 (What a great topic and framework, especially for us writers! Gerhardt!)
Lutheran Hour Ministries is offering Call His Name Jesus. Also available in Spanish.
Lutheran Indian Ministries offers Pointing the Way to Hope in Jesus.
Also, don’t forget about “The Great ‘O’ Antiphons For meditating on Christ December 17th through 23rd.” I’ve blogged about it in the past (and will relink it again December 17th).
Am I forgetting some? Please do let me know or mention it in a comment.
Don’t forget that many year-long devotional books start with Advent!
A blessed Advent to you! Come, Lord Jesus! Come quickly!

Around the Word weekly devotion page looks very promising: https://www.whatdoesthismean.org/devotions.html