Approaching 2020

Ah, it’s that time of year. Approaching 2020 I’m trying to think through what I’ve been doing & what I should focus on next.

I’m not sure I can handle any resolutions. My attempt toward reading Scripture chronologically is already behind, although, who knows, maybe I’ll catch up. But I’m exercising semi-regularly, getting friend-time along with that, reading, and generally leading a full life. Loving Around the Word for family devotions. No real complaints. Other than I wish I did all things better, with greater thankfulness, etc. 🙂

So, for 2020, I aspire to be a better wife, mother, homeschooler, and entrepreneur. lol

Seriously, though, I’ve got some conferences I’m excited for, solid projects I’m working on, a bit of a side gig going on, and I’m generally pleased with my overview of curriculum, etc. I have up and running for the most part (if any of you have experience with Stripe, I’d love to talk to you or hire your briefly!). My list of living Lutheran authors is a smashing success! I have another website idea in the works, although I’m not in a rush for that one. I hope to finally publish my children’s book, Trinity for Tots, this year, which has me so excited! <Shrug> I’m somewhat amazed to be mostly where I want to be. 🙂

I’m even on the most recent Louise Penny novel, which, though not Lutheran, has been a real pleasure to discover & devour this year. I have some reviews of Lutheran books to write up (once my family kicks yet another round of the flu). Hymn ideas to kick around. Good stuff. I’m full & happy, if a bit over-extended.

More specifically, though, I want to share this with you. In 2020 I hope to write another volume of poetry with two main topics: Creation and Job. I’ve been wanting & wanting to address those topics in a more concentrated way. I just need to kick up my studying, find scattered pieces, make a nice reading list, etc.

So, friends, what books should I read on Creation? (Yes, Luther on Genesis.) Job? Maybe Psalms? Hit me with your recommendations. 😀

Meanwhile, as always, I’ll wish you all the best! And I’ll see what I can do to encourage you, announce Lutheran authors & books, review, wonder aloud, etc. Many well wishes as we approach 2020!

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One Response to Approaching 2020

  1. Hi!

    Sounds great!

    I would recommend checking out John Chrysostom’s homilies on Genesis and Commentaries on the Psalms. While everything he says might not be applicable, there might be some gems in there too.

    Happy New Year! Blessings in Christ!

    pastor Harri from Finland

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