The day before yesterday I had a solid chunk of time and spent it writing. It felt so good! I was in the zone! Then yesterday our whole town was without ATT services for most of the day. As in my husband’s cell phone didn’t even work. CRAZY! So apparently my computer-free day balanced out the one before. (Sigh) Anyway, today I’m happy to tell you about a new version of Kids in the Divine Service by Rev. Christopher Thoma!
This is a great resource that I blogged about years ago. (Here if you’re curious.) The short of it is that its a series of free Lutheran bulletin inserts that teach kids about the church year, elements of the liturgy, parts of the sanctuary, etc. You can download them season by season, or topic by topic, here, courtesy of LCMS Worship Ministry/Committee on Worship.
Awesome. Great for congregational use or for printing out for your own kiddos for devotional or educational uses.
My announcement for today is that now they are also available all together in a color book you can get from Amazon. 🙂 Let’s face it: that’s handy! Kids in the Divine Service, when all printed together as a book, is 98-pages of goodness.
While I’d never quibble with free, let’s think a minute about how nice it is to have a less disposable version! It sounds like Our Savior, Rev. Thoma’s church, has been able to hand out thousands of them to visitors, school children, congregational kids, etc. They actually put them in the pews instead of giving one more piece of paper to shuffle during service.
Yay! Lutheran homeschoolers everywhere, rejoice! Request that Thrivent grant! 😉 Fill those little Lutheran lending libraries! lol Get visitors at your church? Then this is for you, new members, the newly baptized, and more!
Happy reading, writing, and finding your normal in 2020!