So today’s post is just a little personal recap. If you don’t care, feel free to ignore!
So, I’ll admit I’m ambitious and make pretty speedy use of my time. But here’s the thing. I am NOT ON TOP OF THINGS.
I was totally convinced on Thursday that it was Friday. How long does it take to get this corrected? WAY TOO LONG. Even though one of my middles turned eight on Saturday! Ha ha haa
So, let’s just pretend it was intentionally a long weekend. Ha ha ha haaaa. Truth be told last week felt pretty long. Monday we had a special Epiphany hymn festival and we had extra musicians and everything. It was so lovely. I’m not actually a writer by training, but a musician, and it just felt so good and so healthy to be up in the balcony playing along. I also got to sing, which I love to do. I don’t have the fanciest voice. I can’t even belt it out if I try. But I do have a nice simple voice that can be lifted in praise. 🙂 So, double awesome. Unless you count that two of my dear friends were there with me, playing, singing, helping with choir, etc. In that case I’m quadrupletly blessed!
Plus I had something of an open house/reception beforehand for which I cooked a TON.
Also delighted in a great little side gig this week for which I’m grateful.
Also started reading another few books, ha ha haaa, one of which is great and offers all this literary insight into books I now what to reread. As in, it’s something of an ethical dilemma for me. Do I stop the novel to catch up on the book it talks about?! Seriously. Should I?
So, homeschool, decorations down, life going on, and I don’t even know what day of the week it is. Please put up with me anyway. 🙂
In other news, don’t you agree that crucificentric should be a word?
Goodness. Life!