I used to keep a list of Lutheran bloggers, but blogs are sort of dropping in and out of existence, as they always have, so I stopped maintaining the page. Still, an occasional post to remind you that Lutherans are still blogging might be helpful to some. 🙂
I’m actually pretty much stealing this from a Facebook post and haven’t looked through them all. <Shrug>
Alphabetical Order sounds fair:
- A Good Wilderness
- A Word Fitly Spoken
- Armour of Christ
- Cranach (Veith)
- 1517
- Flesh and Blood Bioethics
- Found by a Gracious God/Going the Lonely Way
- Gottesblog (Gottesdienst)
- Into Your Hands
- Jagged Word
- Just & Sinner
- Life Under the Cross (dialogue between Lutheran, Reformed, and Evangelical Traditions)
- The Mad Christian (Fisk)
- Past Elder
- Pastoral Meanderings
- PM Notes
- Predigtamt
- Sisters of Katie Luther
- Steadfast Lutherans
- Theology Like a Child, aka, Infant Theology
- The Unbroken Cord
- Weedon’s Blog
- What Does This Mean
- Wolfmueller
Blah, blah, many have moved onto podcasts and vlogs. More power to them. I’m still blogging. If you’d like to recommend a blog, podcast, vlog, etc., feel free, but as for me and my house, this post is long enough. 😀

I know Lutherans who blog, but not many who write primarily theological posts. I tried keeping a theology blog, but caring for kids kind of buzzed it out of my brain.
I sure hear that! That’s a major reason why I thought I’d center this blog around encouragement. Easier and far less stressful!