Know what I really value? Confession & Absolution. And I’m not alone! Lutheran author and pastor Gaven Mize recently put together two resources for his congregation, and he has now put them up share via Lulu!
Monthly Archives: January 2020
Magwort and the Master
My friends, while I can’t claim to have read all that Lutheran author Rev. Michael L McCoy has written, I think I’ve caught up on all his fiction! Last but not least (and, actually, I suspect not last although I don’t think anything has been published lately): Magwort and the Master!
Filed under Reviews
Little Personal Recap
So today’s post is just a little personal recap. If you don’t care, feel free to ignore!
Filed under Uncategorized
Lutheran Writers’ Conference Registration
Hey! Quick! “Here I Write: I Can Do No Other” Lutheran Writers’ Conference registration is now open! But space is limited. Quick, check that calendar one more time and register here!
Filed under Resource
The Traitor
Have you read Ray Keating‘s latest novel, The Traitor, yet? I blogged about it when it came out in December, and now I offer a short review.
Filed under Reviews
The Hunter, The Hound and a Rogue
A review for you today: Rev. Michael
L. McCoy‘s Book 3 in the Chronicles of Peniel series, The Hunter, The Hound and a Rogue. 🙂
Filed under Reviews
Kids in the Divine Service
The day before yesterday I had a solid chunk of time and spent it writing. It felt so good! I was in the zone! Then yesterday our whole town was without ATT services for most of the day. As in my husband’s cell phone didn’t even work. CRAZY! So apparently my computer-free day balanced out the one before. (Sigh) Anyway, today I’m happy to tell you about a new version of Kids in the Divine Service by Rev. Christopher Thoma!
Filed under New Release, Resource