I’m going to go ahead and take a quote out of context to share it with you. 🙂 It’s just two sentences from Lars Walker‘s Hailstone Mountain: Book 4 of the Saga of Erling Skjalgsson.
I don’t have time to review the book yet, but it seems to me that stories and storytelling played a larger role in this book than previous in the series and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I laughed out loud at the following quote and read it immediately to my eleven-year-old daughter/aspiring writer, who was reading next to me. 🙂 May you appreciate it more than she did! lol
“Storytellers are the cruelest of men. They glorify God as do the frosts and snows, the dragons and the great deeps, through destruction” (chapter 33, maybe five pages from the end of it).
I’ve read and read and now am satisfied to have completed the published books of the series! SO GOOD! You can expect the two reviews soon, although I’ll try to get back to encouraging writing, too.
Speaking of which: folks, Katie Schuermann is on the verge of closing registration for the Lutheran writers’ conference, Here I Write: I Can Do No Other. Register before it’s too late! I’d love to see you there!
Happy reading, writing, and Monday-ing!

I love this series by Lars Walker, and waited years for a book to follow Hailstone Mountain. I bought Elder King, but am saving the reading of it as a special treat 🙂 I am always a bit sad to read the last book in a series, especially if it may be a long time for a next installment or is a definite ending of a series. I hate to say goodbye.
I hear you!