Today I have a few things to note for you, including a sale and 2020 Lenten resources. I’m afraid it won’t be as thorough as sometimes, as my sweet-hearted, sporty eleven-year-old dislocated her knee cap last night. 🙁 Our house is rather mortified in the flesh.
The Sale
Gaven Mize is offering a deal. For $58, you can get 7 copies of his Beauty and Catechesis books (normally $11 each) for $65. On top of that he will throw in a free copy of Beauty and the Augsburg Confession. You can contact him at PastorMize at or through his Facebook page. (To see previews of the books, check out the Amazon “Look Inside” features here and here. You can see my reviews of the books here and here. :))
2020 Lenten Resources
Memorize the Athanasian Creed by starting now and ending at Trinity Sunday! Every line will be a blessing! Granted, it’s not a 40 day exercise, but still a very excellent spiritual discipline and education. I even put together this document pairing the text with each week. Athanasian Creed for Easy Memorization.
Steadfast Lutherans is offering a schedule to read through the Book of Concord for Lent! AWESOME! You can download the reading schedule here. Another (brilliant) option is this audio version! Now, the audio version needs to use the Concordia Triglotta, an older but certainly highly respected translation, due to copyright restrictions.
For Lent 2020, Steadfast Lutherans offers “Created to be Redeemed & Sanctified: The Apostles’ Creed for Lent,” which is available as a daily podcast. To download them to read, go here. And, if it turns out you want to buy the devotions pre-printed and bound, they are available for $4.49 each on Amazon.
I also found something interesting from the Brotherhood of Augsburg to help guide a Christian fast. The organization is geared toward men, but it’s a handy document for men and women.
May the blessings of Christ be yours now and always!
PS. I’ll add as I see more:
- An especially family-friendly option: a Lenten Jesus Tree
- I haven’t seen it, but I learned this title: Journey to Calvary: A Lenten Devotional (In My Father’s Footsteps) (Volume 3) by
- Here’s 40 for 40