Happy release day for Kloria’s latest, Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice! I blogged about it earlier here after receiving an advanced copy. We still love it and I find great comfort in it. Below is my review.
Dear Christians Review
This is an excellent book for several significant reasons. First, the text is one dearly beloved in the Lutheran tradition, as Martin Luther himself crafted the content. Second, this is a beautiful text that illustrates exactly what we, as Christian parents, hope to pass down to our children and grandchildren. There’s no holding back! Both Law and Gospel strike with full strength: undeserved salvation and justification by faith! Dear Christians, this is a hymn made beautifully for you!
Third, Edward Riojas has captured this piece beautifully, weaving the hymn with both Luther’s life and our own. I love the perspective of viewing the text alongside Luther. I find it to be powerfully engaging, both for children and their entire families. Vibrantly colorful, lively, and appealing.
There are ten stanzas, which may sound like a lot. In book form, though, you see just how well that makes sense, as Luther tells the story of our salvation and comforts us with Christ himself. 🙂
Just look through the preview. It’s glorious.