Image by BSGStudio, Available at https://all-free-download.com/free-vector/download/musical-abstract-background_311420.html
LAST CALL: Join the Kloria Easter Virtual Choir!
For the Easter Virtual Choir:
1. Suggestion: Dress in Easter attire.
2. Pick one or more hymns below to record. I did all four.
3. It is possible to “View/Practice Only” first.
4. Once you are ready, join the choir!
Sat 6PM CDT: Awake, My Heart, with Gladness
Sun 9AM CDT: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
12PM CDT: Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands
6PM CDT: Like the Golden Sun Ascending
These videos CAN be used in worship, even before they are finalized, but be sure to mention it is a virtual choir. We wouldn’t want a misunderstanding to result in any trouble.
Hymns/videos will be finalized Sunday night or Monday (I think).
Here’s how the Easter virtual choir works. Go
here. Select an Easter song. (Two other songs have already been finalized.) Get out some earphones and practice along. (Warn others to either join or quietly not photo-bomb.) Then when you’re ready, whether you sing melody or parts, click to record. You may not see a video of yourself as you record—that’s ok. It will take a few minutes to upload. Then you walk away. 🙂 Or, better, start over with another piece! A while later Kloria splices the video and sound together to produce a musical gift to the Church.
I am so very, very thankful to Kloria for doing this! (Buy all their
books and
CDs! Support this Lutheran musician & organization!) I’m an admittedly emotional girl and this week has been a terrible mix of grief and depression. Thanks be to God that His gifts still come to us through His Son, His Spirit, His Word, and one another!

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