It’s been ages since I read Camus’ The Plague. (I think I had a Camus stage around the end of my college years.), but as soon as “pandemic” reemerged in common parlance I teased my dad that that title would become all the rage once more.
Imagine my delight when Lutheran theologian John Kleinig wrote an article for Logia referencing the book! (My dad blogged mentioned it here, on a post that includes several interesting books on related topics.) (Btw, now may be a good time to consider subscribing to Logia, you know.)
Anyway. If you aren’t in the mood for poetry or would rather seek catharsis in something a bit darker, then The Plague may be a well-timed suggestion for you. Check overdrive for it—it shouldn’t be a rare title.
Albert Camus is often called an existentialist, although he rejected that notion. He’s French, born in French Algeria in 1913. He died in 1960. Again, I don’t remember the book well enough to give warnings. If you’re interested in French literature or more modern classics, you can consider it. Now, there are multiple translations of varying quality and, after reviewing comments, I see there can be lengthy descriptions, but, if nothing else, may it give you a glimpse into how novels can address human situations and explore some of the depths.
Wishing you fine days, fine arts, and a healthy weekend!