I’m happy to announce another Lutheran new release! (I’m a little late, to be honest, since I hoped to include a review right away. Alas, I haven’t managed it just quite yet.)
You’ll be interested to learn that prolific Lutheran author Ray Keating shares an expansive collection of Keating essays in Behind Enemy Lines: Conservative Communiques from Left-Wing New York.
While you get nuggets and tastes of Keating’s political and economic views in some of his fiction—non-fiction, like Free Trade Rocks, too, obviously—this book offers a wealth of essay topics including extensive sections on politics, historical developments, economics, business, New York, trade, immigration, sports, and “pop culture ponderings.”
Simply put, there is a TON in this book. You could read a section at a time or hop around according to your curiosity and interest.
I hope to review it and you know I’ll share it here when I do. Sadly, at this rate I’m not sure I can finish it until our homeschooling year is over. Whenever we can manage that! 🙂
(Since we’re socially isolating, I’ve lost my mom’s help. She was doing preschool with our five-year old twins, which really freed me up to help my four older. I am very proud of my kids. Elizabeth is finishing up sixth grade, Evangeline fourth, Margaret second, and Michael first. Still, homeschooling six will be a lot easier once they can all read!)
Happy reading & writing folks!