This weekend I was contacted about my hymn, “Come, Gathered Again.” If you recall, I’m offering it freely to congregations as we gather again and recover from some of this craziness. Since I’d shared it as a PDF previously, it was requested I share it in Word, too. That way it would be easier to copy & paste into a bulletin. (Whoops! I should have thought of that!)
So here it is again, as a PDF with written piano accompaniment by my dear friend Chris Schelp (Director of Music at First Lutheran Church & School in Ponca City, Oklahoma) and as a Word document.
And, for all you folks, who might just want to read it since this is another blog post on it (first introduced here):
Come, Gathered Again
Mary J MoerbeCome, gathered again By God’s mighty hand.
Receiving His gifts Through-out (3)* our land.Refrain: We gather together with reverence and awe
To feast on His mercy and an (2) swer his Call.Come, gathered again To Christ’s kingly hall.
Pay homage to Him Who died (3) for all.Refrain
Come, gathered again, confessing our sins.
Forgiveness has come! New life (3) begins.Refrain
Come, gathered again In hunger and thirst:
God’s body and blood, Our me-di-cine and nurse.Refrain
Come, gathered again, and when we must leave
God’s Word will remain and through it (2) we believe.
I never did put this up on my free Lutheran resource page, so I guess I’ll do that now. But I’m torn. Should I create a hymnody subheading or COVID? 🙁
* The number indicates how many musical notes are sung through the syllable. Annoying perhaps, but it was the best I could do. It’s easier to see & understand when the words are written with the music notation. Which, ha ha, as a musician I greatly prefer anyway.