Lutheran radio station KFUO is up to eight different sessions of “Here I Write” interviews from folks who would have led sessions at the canceled Lutheran writing conference for 2020.
I’m so thankful The Coffee Hour folks had this idea! Shout out to Andy Bates and Sarah Gulseth as they “bring you stories of the intersection of Lutheran life and a secular world.” Here’s a link to their page so you can see some of the various topics they’ve recently discussed (including resources for virtual VBS!). Here is a link to the “Here I Write” interviews archived.
Other online things I’ve recently noticed is Higher Thing’s Hymnal 101 series on YouTube! Great idea! I won’t lie. I’m still working on my written introduction to the hymnal, which I hope to market to Lutheran homeschoolers, but this is a great step forward. Lutheran pastor and author Dr. Matt Richard is doing some great stuff!
(Here is Matt Richard’s website, my review of his book, Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up, and links to where it is available through CPH & Amazon.)
ALSO, I aim to have my first book club session here Wednesday, 7:30-8:30pm CST!
A blessed Monday to you!