(I have no idea why yesterday’s post went up so late. I scheduled it for 6am. Sorry!) After posting about the Faith & Writing conference going online yesterday, I thought I’d see what other online Lutheran conferences are out there this year. They’re not all free, mind you, but online.
Online Conferences for 2020
Ambassadors of Reconciliation
Online & free! August 2020. It promises “dozens of workshops led by recognized leaders in the ministry of reconciliation.
Faith & Writing Workshop
This will be July 21–23, 2020, led by Dr. Travis Scholl and Peter Mead. Cost is $150 and the registration deadline is June 30th.
Higher Things Virtual Conference: Watermarked
Watermarked will run for August 6th & 7th. Both synchronous and asynchronous viewing available. (That means you can stream it live or watch it whenever you can.)
There will be three half-hour plenary sessions in the schedule on the topic of Watermarked given by Rev. George Borghardt (Higher Things President and Pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Bossier City, LA) and Rev. Harrison Goodman (Pastor at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in San Antonio, TX).
Lutheran Study Days (in Norway!)
Every day between August 20th & September 15th will have a video talk, both on the Lutheran Study Days website & YouTube!
“Lutheran Study Days is a forum to promote central and life-giving truths of classical Lutheran faith and confession. Facing current confusion, we focus on theological clarity, restoring old knowledge, social gathering, informal relations and last but not least: the life-giving proclamation of law and gospel.”
They have had some really good speakers in the past (with names Americans can recognize, too!) and the line up for this year looks pretty great also! Here’s the schedule with speakers & topics.
Making the Case (Issues, Etc)
The 2020 Issues, Etc. Virtual Conference will be Friday, July 24th & Saturday July 25th. Speakers include Matt Walsh, Dr. Robert George, Mollie Hemingway, Mark Hemingway, Rev. Hans Fiene, Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller, and Rev. William Weedon. 🙂
A $135 registration fee this year includes a flash drive, DVD or the ability to watch the conference live and at your convenience on your PC or Mac.
Others I am Missing?
I’d love to hear about more if there are any other online Lutheran conferences. 🙂 I’ve also heard about two in person Lutheran conferences of note, too, but I may give them their own posts.
PS. It’s Wednesday! Tonight at 7:30pm central time I’ll be on Facebook to lead a second session of our book club on Veith’s Reading Between the Lines. If you want to join us, just follow this link. We’ll be in a Messenger Room.