CPH’s latest children’s hymnal, One and All Rejoice, is now available. I thought we could temporarily one and all rejoice about the CPH Bible and Confession sales, too. 😉
So, the One and All Rejoice hymnal (which had that awesome hymn chronology tool I blogged about back in the day) is $15 and the accompaniment book is $40. I initially blogged about that here.
But there’s also a Bible and a Lutheran Confessions Sale. In particular, I’ll note that Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions, paperback edition, is only $14.99, which is $10 off. Also, Concordia’s Complete Bible Handbook is $19.99, which is $5.50 off. I’ve heard enough great things about it I recommend it myself. (And might snag one on this sale if I can verify with my husband we don’t already have it somewhere!)
While I’m at it, I’ll link to the Not Quite Perfect stuff they also have on sale.
Wishing you, as always, high quality Lutheran books!