I couldn’t stop myself. The Lutheran zombie book is AMAZING! Review below on EccleZia: Pastoral Theology in the Zombie Plague by Garen Pay.
EccleZia Review
I know that not everyone is into zombies. I get it. But if there were ever a zombie book for a general Lutheran audience, it’s this one!
You may laugh, but I took a couple note in case you needed further convincing.
This is not a book about perfect people. Far from it. But its out-there premise is exactly what allows the author (and main character, who is a Lutheran pastor) to dive into both the humanity and the complexities of pastors and pastoral care!
Sure, there’s violence. Yep. Zombies. Lots of bad stuff. But a real turning point happens on p. 57. It revolves around Amos 5:19: “as if a man fled from a lion, and a bear met him.” As a Lutheran myself, I was really pleased with the turns and repentance.
I also really appreciated little things like how the phrase “at least” is a “temptation” often not worth using! Another description was “[we’re] not second rate children left behind in a twisted rapture.” Really good stuff!
I will immediately be working on both of my parents to read this book. 🙂 Though I’ll wait for my kids to get a bit older! Not just for zombie fans, but CERTAINLY for any Lutheran who reads monster books or thrillers! A fun, stimulating read for non-Lutherans and non-Christians, too!
PLUS it looks like Garen Pay has another book out: Immanuel: Battles of Armor and Soul. I’ve got to get it on my reading list!
For more Lutheran authors of the Thriller/Horror genre, I have one other name listed on my list of Living Lutheran Authors: Luke T. Harrington. I haven’t read him, but maybe you will and you can tell me what you think. 🙂 I know I mostly post my own stuff, but I would welcome guest reviews. Especially with school starting up again soon!
The other Lutheran author I’d like to mention is J. L. Vaughan, who’s written a couple of books. His book, The Root Of Esau, is a monster book that I posted about here. Again, it may not be your thing. I find it cathartic.