The heart of everything. Isn’t that what you want to get to? 🙂
Today’s the release day of what’s sure to be a great Lutheran novel! Likely one for ages to come! Lutheran pastor Bror Erickson, who has shown a real talent and skill translating Bo Giertz, is now offering in English Faith Alone: The Heart of Everything, a prequel to Giertz’s well-loved novel The Hammer of God.
It sounds really great. Here’s an excerpt of Faith Alone and here is a glowing review from LCMS pastor Eric Brown on GoodReads, including this gem of a description:
[A] wonderful narrative apologetic for the classic Lutheran faith; gracious to the opponents of Lutheranism yet still steadfast and clear in its own theological position.
Look here to see all sorts of Bo Giertz that Bror Erickson has translated. 🙂 Great stuff: historical fiction, sermons, devotions, essays, and articles.
I haven’t reviewed them all yet, though I’ve enjoyed all I’ve read. You can find my review of the truly excellent Romans: A Devotional Commentary here. Even great for junior high or high school kids. I’ve never read anything Bo Giertz that didn’t keep me thinking about it.

Thank you so much for doing this!