Here’s a new book worth mentioning: Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics has released its latest title, Holy Scripture by Jack Kilcrease.
The Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics series is a long time project of Luther Academy. They are well known for Logia, Luther Digest, and hosting a compilation of works by Kurt Marquart (whom I love). So do check out their website if you have time.
Here’s a link to an outline of volumes so you can see what is already available. However, now that I think about it, go here to the store to see what is actually in stock. Two physical titles are on sale (Eschatology and The Lord’s Supper). Other significant titles are available either in PDF or ePub format.
You’ll note that, as of me typing this up the night before, the latest isn’t listed yet! But you can get it from Lulu here.
Oh, you’re partial to physical copies? I know CPH carries some. Here’s a quick search for them on Amazon, though you’ll note that some are used while others are, again, electronic versions. <Shrug>
I know we’d all love to have all the books at our fingertips. But I am very thankful for electronic storage. It preserves the resources for future printings and that is no small thing.
So, Holy Scripture: I’ll recommend it. Ha ha ha haaaaaaa