Ladies & Gentlemen, we’ve just published our 2021 Pastoral Planner through Lulu. If you recall, my husband is just a little particular so I’ve put this together for him per his specifications. 🙂 CPH’s is very nice, too. Ours is just a little different. 🙂
Here’s what ours offers:
2021 Pastoral Planner
A portable pastoral calendar with Lutheran lectionary assignments from LSB FROM ADVENT 2020 through planning pages for January 3, 2022. The point of this pastoral planner is to be as absolutely useful as possible, no matter the size of your congregation(s).
Table of Contents:
- 12 Traditional Calendar Pages: Two-Page Spreads in Typical Calendar Format
- Weekly Schedule Pages: Two-Page Spreads Showing Hourly Breakdown for Each Day of the Week
- Consecutive Service Planning Pages: Two-Page Spreads with Lectionary Bible References for One and Three-Year Series from LSB
- Shut-in Visitation Charts: Fill in Names & Check Off Visitations Bi-monthly or Monthly for Easy Record-keeping
- Record of Pastoral Acts: Write as You Go to Update Official Books & Meetings Later
- Record of Mileage: One-Page per Month
- Advanced Calendar with Feasts, Festivals, & Dates to Come: One Month Per Page for Easy Scanning
- Note Pages for Agenda Items: Multiple Columns for Tracking Multiple Groups
Go here and for $13 +shipping & tax it’s yours. (Lulu often has specials, too, so watch for percentages off.)
If you are a pastor who prefers the CPH Pastoral Diary, I’m so glad they have it available! I’ll link to that here, too. It’s not only already available, but it’s even on sale! 🙂
Wishing all pastors everywhere as easily organized years as possible! Also supportive parishioners and the final coming of Christ.