This is too cool. I have to share it even though it isn’t Lutheran or writing-craft related. 🙂 Can simply awesome literary stuff count? Because Oklahoma Contemporary will livestream a six-day reading series of Emily Wilson’s recent translation of Homer’s The Odyssey!
7 p.m. Aug. 20-22 and Aug. 27-29
Streaming live on Facebook and on YouTube
Here’s the announcement, though I’ll summarize it, too. It’s supposed to be a “boldly contemporary” translation with a variety of actors, musicians, public officials and even the translator herself taking turns reading through the 24 books of the epic poem.
They haven’t posted a schedule yet of who will do what. Honestly, I don’t care about that. What I care about is the opportunity to hear aloud The Odyssey! Any version of it!
If you want to order a copy of the Emily Wilson translation, you can buy it from Commonplace Books with 10% off with the code “ODYSSEY” (though I wonder if they’ll sell out because this is AWESOME-SAUCE!!!!!) so I’ll also link to it on Amazon.
Again, that’s Thursday, Friday, Saturday and then Thursday, Friday, Saturday.