I’ve really enjoyed going through Gene Veith’s Reading Between the Lines with those who have joined my book club. I’ve enjoyed it so much that I want to spread the fun (without me being in a constant leadership role!), so I’ve created a new Facebook group for Conservative Lutheran Book Clubs.
Here’s a link. Join the group. Think about if there’s a book you’d like to go through and see if there are any takers (in or off the group, as they can always join to participate).
Each book club can meet virtually using the Facebook messenger room. It’s worked pretty easily for us thus far. Post when you’d like to meet, and just before time click Create a room and name your room with the book’s title. Subsequent meetings, you just need to Rejoin the room and you’re good to go.
Rooms always come with a link you can share. My understanding is that it works even for those without Facebook. On the other hand, to join a room manually one needs to join the particular Facebook group. Got it?
Will a perfect stranger show up? Honestly I’m not sure. Probably folks would put out a feeler to see whether they could come first.
Though maybe I’m losing my “social know.” I’m starting to think people are either pretty shy or already out doing something. 🙂 Maybe I’m in the middle. Who knows.
It’s been nice to gather with some friends and discuss. So I’ll wish the same for you!