Let’s list some online free collections of Lutheran books or other writings. 🙂
Online Free Collections
- The entire New Testament collection of Lutheran Commentaries (1895)
- The Kretzmann Project has four volumes of The Popular Commentary of the Bible (1921–1924)
- Popular Symbolics: The Doctrines of the Churches of Christendom and of other Religious Bodies Examined in the Light of Scripture by Theodore Engelder is a resource of comparative theology (1934)
- Books by Charles Porterfield Krauth, including The Conservative Reformation and Its Theology, are here.
- The Post-Reformation Digital Library
- Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry
- Scholia
- Cranach
- LutheranCatechism.org, particularly its Documents Library
- Wolfmueller’s Free Book Downloads
- Lutheran Treasures of the Old Missouri Synod (often has linked articles)
- God Rules (although it’s a Calvinist site, it offers a wealth of Luther material here)
Also check out the Gutenberg Project, of course.
Here’s a list I put together of free books I’d found for doctrinal study. Some of them are series & volumes, so I reckon these two lists can appropriately accompany one another. 🙂
- Annotations on the New Testament 12 vols
- Biblical Commentary Old Testament. Keil and Delitzsch.6 vols
- Biblical Dogmatics
- Christian Cyclopedia, ed. Erwin Lueker
- Christian Dogmatics
- Christian Symbolics
- Church Fathers 37 vols
- The Concordia Cyclopedia; A Handbook of Religious Information
- The Creeds Of Christendom 3 Vols
- Schaff’s History Of The Christian Church 7 Vols
- The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
- Kretzmann’s Popular Commentaries
- Philosophia Christi Journal (Ev. Philosophical Society)
Individual free books are a growing list. There’s a growing amount free on Kindle, including Luther’s sermons, commentaries, etc.
What else can we add? 🙂