Today I’m pleased to announce a new-to-me Lutheran author, Madelyn Rose Craig, and her newly released book, Names, Nations, and the New Testament: Investigating the Origins of Mankind from Genesis to Acts.
Sounds timely and interesting to me!
Her website here includes nuggets such as this one:
This book discusses the Table of Nations (Genesis 10), its relation to the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2), and the connection of all people both genetically and spiritually (Acts 17:26, Ephesians 3:6). . . . I hope you will join me as I continue to explore new worlds of writing both in fiction and nonfiction!
I’m also excited to hear that she’s working on a collection of short stories, including some allegorical in nature, along with historical and autobiographical stories. 🙂
From her book’s Amazon description:
Names, Nations, and the New Testament will explain in brief how the nations of the world arose from the sons of Noah, how they spread across the face of the whole earth, and why that should matter to you. These chapters discuss the history of all the people starting with the Table of Nations and continuing with language, DNA, culture, and records from around the world, including stories found worldwide that speak on the Genesis Tower of Babel event! Names, Nations, and the New Testament is a book digging into the origins and history of mankind from Creation to Babel, Pentecost to the present, and connecting people across the globe as part of one family, one race, one blood. This is the story of the world, our ancestors, and you! If you want to learn more about the origins of all people and our common ancestry, this is the book to read.
And, Madelyn Craig, welcome to my list of living Lutheran authors. 🙂