You know that I gather names of living Lutheran authors. I’ve really enjoyed a lot of what I’ve discovered and these folks (you writers, you) have written on ALL SORTS OF THINGS! I’m SO PROUD of the variety of genres and subject matter! There are Lutherans writing long series, stand alones, and everything in between. But my favorite read-for-pleasure-novel lately comes from Lutheran author Rhonda Chandler and it’s called The Ritornello Game: A Marlonburg Story. (I really, really hope that means it’ll become a series!). It was perfect! Quite different from her previous novel but so well done! Those two books may be in my top ten of Lutheran-penned fiction!
The Ritornello Game Review
Let me tell you exactly how much I enjoyed this book. I started it in an airport and was so absorbed that I went to bed early (rather than staying out with friends) to finish it. It was amazing! That rare kind of book where you see where things are headed but just can’t wait to see exactly how everyone gets there!
I love the writing. The setting was solid, characters intriguing, and the overall idea of the ritornello game was simply excellent in every way! One does not need to be a musician in order to appreciate it, yet my heart rather sang at points even as my heartstrings were pulled at others.
Fantastic. I really liked Rhonda Chandler‘s earlier novel, The Fires of Autumn, and now I’m confident I’ll read anything this woman publishes. 🙂 The books are just that good! With some real gems of thoughts & turns of phrase!
Great gift for anyone.
Here’s a link to my review of The Fires of Autumn.