Ok. The 2020 CPH Black Friday sale is running until November 30th. There are some really good deals so this is a post (with a bunch of affiliate links) with highlights. 🙂
First, know that the Concordia Commentary series is $15 off, making each volume $45. Awesome.
Second, Bibles start at $30. Notably, The Lutheran Study Bible (hardback) is only $30!! That’s $25 off and, in my opinion, a steal. NOW is a time when every confirmand for next year can get a Lutheran study Bible, either from the congregation or a generous donor! The study Bible journal edition is likewise $30 with large print and those fancier covered Bibles are $40 and $50. The Lutheran Study Bible (Compact Paperback) is only $20. I’m a hardcover kind of girl, but that’s a solid option, too.
(I do not think children’s Bibles are on sale, unless you consider One Hundred Bible Stories a children’s Bible.)
Third, CPH again has $5 books for adults, just like during their warehouse sale, but they aren’t all specific to adults, so I don’t know why they titled the link that. <Shrug> (I was traveling over the warehouse sale. Maybe I’ll do this next time for that, too. I know there’s a LOT to look through!)
$5 Books
- For kids:
- One of my books is on sale! 😀 Whisper, Whisper: Learning About Church. It has it all: rhyming text, silent actions, and in-sanctuary tips for parents with littles in church.
- The Night Before Christmas, by Herbert Brokering, is a Christian/Christ-centered version of The Night Before Christmas. Looks nice.
- One Hundred Bible Stories
- I think three collections of Arch books.
- For adults:
- I’m a fan of Thank, Praise, Serve, and Obey: Recover the Joys of Piety. I reviewed that here.
- Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? False Christs, I reviewed here.
- Reading Romans with Luther, I reviewed here.
- I haven’t yet read Has American Christianity Failed, but it’s on my someday list. 🙂
- Being Lutheran is on that list, too. I have the t-shirt, but just have not gotten to the book yet.
- I LOVE Why Am I Joyfully Lutheran? Instruction, Meditation, and Prayers on Luther’s Small Catechism. GREAT FOR MOST AGES! And, though it’s not a pocket-sized book, it’s probably small enough to fit into most stockings. I reviewed that here.
- Elizabeth Ahlman’s Demystifying the Proverbs 31 Woman is great! At $5 each, you should buy it for an entire Bible study or book club! (How have I not reviewed this when I’ve totally read & referred to it! It’s going on another list I have: the hurry-up-and-review-before-you-forget list. Yep. Actual list. lol). Likewise, Ruth: More Than a Love Story. LOVE! Get a bunch!
- The Reason I Believe is on my to read list.
- Get Authentic Christian: How Lutheran Theology Speaks to a Postmodern World. Just get it.
- So many options! I’ve heard great things about From Atheism to Christian: The Story of CS Lewis but especially encourage you to get In the Beginning God (reviewed here). 🙂 It’s not on sale but it’s only $5.99 anyway.
- I LOVE Pless’s Praying the Small Catechism. (How did I fail to review it?!)
- Afraid: Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America is a good one, reviewed here.
- Big fan of Handling the Word of Truth. Homeschooling? Get this. Interested in distinctions between Law & Gospel. Get this! 🙂 Reviewed here.
I also like The Illuminated Catechism and that’s for all ages.
There are even more options, but I’m gunna stop now. Ha haa
Arch books are $1, as are a few others, including What Child is This, a children’s book with the text of the Christmas carol. Good, good.
If you find another great item, feel free to point to it (preferably with a link) in the comment section.