Yep, time for one of my period posts about how Lutherans ought to read more poetry. Mostly I want to remind you that Lutheran poetry is INCREASINGLY AVAILABLE! Buy poetry books for Christmas, especially Lutheran poetry books!
I know you may not have always liked the poetry taught in school, or the poetry you were forced to write in school, but poetry is language of the soul, folks. SIX ENTIRE BOOKS of the Bible are poetry: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations. It’s NOT A PASSING CRAZE!
So, first, a link back to a post I update listing Christian & Lutheran poets. If you know of more, let me know!
Second, a list of LUTHERAN BOOKS OF POETS, POETESSES, AND POETRY. And let me assure you these can all be read and used as devotional material! (Yes, these will be affiliate links.)
Poetry Books for Christmas!
- Anna Hoppe
- Martin Franzmann
- Technically prayers, but I’m going to list this anyway: Pray for Joy
- Henry L. Lettermann
- Jaroslav Vajda
- Stephen Starke
- O Sing of Christ: The Hymns of Stephen P. Starke , Volume 1
- O Sing of Christ, Volume 2
- Kathryn Ann Hill (Follow this link and you’ll see how to order each)
- Rich in Grace: The Bible of the Poor for 21st Century Christians (ALPB, 2007)
- To You It Has Been Given (Lutheran Legacy, 2011)
- A Verse Vigil and Selected Poems
- The Song of Daniel and Selected Poems
- Now God is Flesh: Poems and Pictures for Christmastide
- The Holiest of Seasons: Poems and Pictures for Passiontide and Easter
- Kurt E. Reinhardt
- Robin D. Fish
- Alan Kornacki
- Me! Mary J Moerbe
- Ray Spitzenberger
- Tanner Olson (This one’s brand new to me!)

Heartfelt thanks for mentioning my books as Christmas presents! Christmas blessings to you, Ray
Thank you very much for sharing mine.