I love it when pastors write novels. 🙂 I’m pleased to announce that Rev. Richard Bolland has written and released his first novel, Capitol Treason.
It sounds like Capitol Treason is a political dystopian, along the lines of alternative history. Neat! Ha haa, likely dark. It’s a story about a socialist/communist takeover of the United States.
Blurb from the Back Cover
“What would it take to ensure that the United States of America finally became the socialist/communist nation so many on the left desire it to be? To what ends would they go in order to achieve their desired ends? In Capitol Treason these questions are answered with an unequivocal “By Any Means Necessary!”“Author Richard Bolland paints a portrait of a nation that falls to the dark plans of a small cadre of radical leftists. Their plans bring about the fall of the United States of America as we have known it and unwittingly lay the ground work for the ultimate division of the country.“Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, the right to keep and bare arms, freedom of the press, and even the right of parents to raise their own children fall to the tyranny of political correctness. Twisted versions of ‘tolerance,’ ‘justice,’ and ‘equality’ that are already the hallmark of those whose dearest desire is the fundamental transformation of America, become the tools to form yet another imagined utopia of socialist/communist design.“This is a novel of murderous treachery, political betrayal, religious, and religious persecution. It also chronicles the brave response of Americans who will simply not give in to tyranny and despotism even at the cost of their own lives. It is a tale written in the sincere hope that it never becomes a reality.”
Capitol Treason sounds exciting: full of action and intrigue!
Welcome to my list of Living Lutheran Author novelists. 🙂

Proud to be on the list of living Lutheran authors. That’s so much better than the alternative!