I’m so excited for this new Lutheran children’s book: They Shall Never Perish!!!!!!! Rev. William Weedon is the author and Edward Riojas is the illustrator.
Years ago, Will Weedon told a story about an insatiable wolf that finally met his match in a Lamb unlike any other. By this point, you probably already see just how much you should get this book!!! 🙂 Your children are beloved by Christ. They shall never perish, so let’s tell them exactly that!!!
It is only available as a thank you for an any-sized donation to The Word Endures before Easter, April 4, 2021. So do it now. Or contact Deac. Lynn Frederickson at LPR for multiple copies. (I LOVE Lutheran Public Radio! I’m thrilled they are involved in this!)
Here’s Weedon’s post announcing it and, until I get permission to include a picture myself, here’s a link to Edward Riojas’s Facebook post with said picture! 😀
I am so excited for this book! And I may as well add links to some other Weedon books I love:
I don’t know how it will be available after April 4th or even if it will be. (Though surely . . . right? Again, the publisher is LPR, Lutheran Public Radio.) Anyway, spread the word if you can. And what a great Easter, birthday, baptism, shower, or homeschooling gift!