CPH has a book releasing today that looks promising: Equipped: The Armor of God for Everyday Struggles by Lutheran Rev. Dr. Christopher Kennedy.
Here’s a link to it on CPH and here’s a link to it on Amazon. (Rumor has it that CPH has added media mail as a shipping option, which I think is great!)
Here is the book’s description for Equipped on Amazon:
The devil is working daily to make you turn away from your faith. Sometimes though, it s not in grand efforts, but in the small ones your encounter every day. The devil can work through exhaustion, anxiety, temptation, and frustration, all common daily occurrences. But God provides strength to battle the devil’s ways by giving you His armor. Follow along in Ephesians 6 to see the armor God equips you with to defend yourself against Satan.
Each piece of armor – belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword of the spirit – is given for you to defend yourself with. They all help you in various ways during the day, such as seeing the truth through lies, and walking with peace to keep stress away. Discover them all with Rev. Christopher Kennedy.
Equipped also includes an index of prayers and scripture for when you feel that the devil’s attacks need extra defense against. Additionally, a leader guide is included for you to use as you work through the book by yourself, but more importantly, with others. This book is meant to be shared and worked through with those in your life that are suffering, and this leader guide makes it easy to guide your loved one to God’s armor. Use it as a means of outreach to those around you.
Sounds great for personal and group uses. Equipped has been written so that you can read, study, or use it as reference. Nice!