I have such very happy Holy Week news! Concordia Theological Theological Seminary (CLTS) of the Lutheran Church-Canada has published a new edition of My Light and My Salvation, the poetry of Rev. Kurt E. Reinhardt! Somehow this happened in January, and I missed it!
Those who follow Lutheran poetry know that’s been a hard book to find for several years now, but it really is a treasure! If you’d like one already wide-spread example, look up “Baptismal Waters Cover Me,” hymn #616 in Lutheran Service Book (LCMS) & #739 in Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal (WELS).
According to this press release:
The new edition includes all 53 poems from the first book, along with a collection of 43 new poems which span the seasons of the church year and the trials and troubles of the Christian life. Most of the new poems are provided with meter and hymn tune suggestions for singing.
You’ll forgive me my excitement as I bombard you with links to further entice you: 🙂
- A glowing Gottesdienst review by David Petersen
- The GoodReads page with reviews for the first edition
- An old review of the first edition by Will Weedon
- An old review of the first edition by Todd Peperkorn
- Plus, here’s a neat announcement of both this book and Rejoice, O Zion! Sing. Somehow I’d overlooked that both of these pastors are CLTS graduates! Neat!
Here’s a link to buy the ebook, the paperback, and a super nice linen wrapped version of My Light and My Salvation! Well worth purchasing for home, congregation, and loved ones!
I will admit one reasonable argument to wait to make the purchase. Lulu often offers discount deals. 🙂 Some might want to log in, add to cart, and wait. Hope to remember next time a discount comes around. Still, even better, play it safe & go ahead and order now! (Also, sometimes you can google Lulu discount to find a code.)
Meanwhile, if any well-educated poetry lovers reads this, feel free to check out my list of Theological Poets and see whether I’ve some anything out! 🙂
Blessed Holy Week!