Trinity for Tots is now available for (pre-) sale! (This is an update from a previous post.) Many of you have been with me during the whole process, and I thank you for all your encouragement and support!
Monthly Archives: April 2021
Trinity for Tots
Filed under My projects, New Release
Finding Hope: From Brokenness to Restoration
Lutheran author, social worker, and deaconess Heidi Goehmann releases a new book today: Finding Hope: From Brokenness to Restoration! (Also, UGH, this was supposed to post TUESDAY! So much for scheduling posts!)
Filed under New Release, Resource
Confirmation Books?
Confirmation books are a hot topic in my house right now. Our oldest is soon to be confirmed, and she already has a Bible, a hymnal, and soon a Book of Concord. So what confirmation books would you add? And, since I’m supposed to purchase one on behalf of our LWML society, what are your favorite or go to confirmation books that typically sell around $10-15?
Filed under Uncategorized
Kindle Pre-Order
My Kindle pre-order is up and running for Trinity for Tots! I’m thrilled! Yay, yay, yay!
Filed under My projects, New Release
I found time to read a novel recommended by my mother-in-law. It’s called Unwritten by Charles Martin. He isn’t a Lutheran so I’m not reviewing the book here, but I enjoyed the read and was thinking about something he added to the end of the book about overwriting.
Filed under As Christian Writers, Thoughts to remember later
Four Dangers of Ex Corde Prayers
Bryan Wolfmueller was on Issues, Etc., last week and ended up talking about ex corde prayer. Ex Corde prayers are prayers “from the heart.” They are often juxtaposed against written or corporate prayers. Anyway, he ended up considering four dangers of ex corde prayer, and I found them very interesting.
Filed under Resource
“Here I Stand” Poem
How awesome is this? Jeffrey Kemper wrote a poem titled “Here I Stand” in commemoration of Luther standing before Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms on April 18, 1521. 🙂 And Lutheran Witness published it! Better and better! 😉
Filed under Poetry
Spirituality of the Cross, 3rd Edition
It has been 22 years since my dad, Gene Veith, released the first edition of Spirituality of the Cross, and that book has changed a lot of lives for the better! Now, the third edition is available, with a brand new chapter addressing Christology and how Lutherans highlight the cross.
Filed under New Release
Patti Miller
Remember in school, learning a new word and then suddenly hearing it all around you? That’s what it’s been like for me regarding art. Reading my dad’s State of the Arts has me hearing about art all over the place, which leads me to introduce you to Lutheran artist Patti Miller.
Filed under Uncategorized
Portals of Prayer
CPH is looking for writers for Portals of Prayer. Application and sample materials must be submitted by noon CST by January 15, 2022. Selected writers will be notified by the end of March 2022.
Filed under Writing Opportunities